New League of Legends Characters대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 00:48:17

Lacan and Jaya, the newly developed characters, came out as characters 135 and 136.

Lacan and Jaya are the first duo champions in this roll. Riyadh Games announced the league of Legend's new champions "Lacan" and "Jaya" on May 5 and introduced new Cebu skills. The two champions were made into duos for bots (supporters and wanders) positions.

Lacan is a champion who has the ability to get in and out of battle quickly. Using Lacan will require control, as a champion focused on confusing the enemy rather than damaging the enemy.

Lacan 's Passive ability “battle cloak” can also be used ', which is a periodic shielding ability which can take damage, unlike the' horsefight' ability used as a tanker supporter. Damage to the enemy champion will reduce the cool down time of the "Magical Cloak".


  Q skill is a 'glowing feather' Lacan’s new feather throwing ability is also interesting. If Lacan throws a feather and fights against an enemy champion or monster, it deals damage and activates Lacan's recovery effect.

W skill 'gorgeous appearance' is a technique that speeds up, moves to the target point, then blows the surrounding enemies into the air.

E skill 'war martial arts' are the escapes skills of Lacan. You can jump to the friendly side to create a shield for your friends, especially if you use it with 'Jaya'.

R skill, 'Fascination of Enchantment' is a technique that fascinates enemies and damages them.

Jaya is a great champion. However, in order to use his skills efficiently, feathers must be laid out in advance, so it is expected to show the difference in the operation method from the usual one. He is a champion without a mobile device however he is still able to attack enemies that follow him.

Jaya's passive abilities are 'penetrating'. A few times after using the skill, the primary attack inflicts all enemies on the path. After the first target, however, damage is reduced.

Here are some more skills of his:

 Q skill 'feather strike' is a skill that inflicts two feathers on enemies and leaves feathers on the ground as a trap.

The 'Wings of Death', which is a W skill, causes a feather storm, raises the base damage and attack speed several times, it also increases the movement speed when the enemy champion attacks.

E skill 'Gemuburmi' can be recovered after it is used, causing damage to the enemy

The R skill, “Resistance Emergency”, is a skill that allows Jaya to jump into the air and avoid an opponent's attack for a while. It also fires feathers in the shape of a cone in the air, damaging the enemy and leaving feathers behind.

Also, the Lacan 'war martial arts' can be used in a longer distance to Jaya, and the nearby Rakhondo effect can be applied by using Jaya's 'Death's Feather'. And if one of them is returning, another can join and return at the same time.

Considering these points, many people are looking forward to seeing other combinations and counters from Riyadh Games.

                         April, 10th, 2017, By Do-Hwan Kim


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