Son Heung-Min May Start at the Bench in the Final Match대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-29 14:39:16

How will Korean people feel if there are Korean players who can join in the final match of the championship league? The player named Son Heung-Min can possibly join the final match. People around the world are interested in this issue. However, he may have trouble in the selection.

These days, the selection of players for the final match is a hot issue. Son Heung-Min, who is the best player with

▲ The picture of Son Heung-min before he join the final match.
a rapid attack in soccer, has big trouble. Pochettino who is Tottenham's soccer coach said, that he has to choose Harry Edward Kane. Also, he has to choose one between Rodrigues da Silva and Son Heung-Min. Harry Edward Kane injured his ankle, so he cannot join the quarter-finals. However, in the final match, everybody thinks that he will return as he is now rehabilitation. Everybody thinks he will return in the final match. If he comes back, either Son Heung-Min or Lucas Rodrigues Moura da Silva cannot join the final match.

Nowadays, Son Heung-Min made goals for twenty times and assists nine times. Then, Lucas made

▲ The picture when he goals and his team win.

goals for fifteen times and had on assist. Son Heung-min helped one and two of the quarter-finals and the first round. On the other hand, Lucas helped in the semifinal, and he made goals three times in one game. He also helped a lot for them to win in the semifinal. Jose Mario dos Santos Mourinho Felix said that Pochettino has to choose both of them to choose Lucas. However, he praised Son Heung-min for being one of the best soccer players in the world with a rapid attack.

Son Heung-min made more goals and assists than Lucas. Nevertheless, Lucas helped the team for them to advance to the final. That is the reason why they can join the final match. This selection receives attention from many people. Many people are excited to know who will be selected for the final match.


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