Working as a Flight Attendant대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-21 14:21:17

When you fly to another country, you might see a person who helps you with many things for your convenience. They are flight attendants. A flight attendant is always smiling and pretty, so she is called a flower in the sky, and a flight attendant provides a friendly service all the time.

A flight attendant does almost everything in an airplane exclude control. In particular, their main job is to entertain guests. They do the work of helping the guests to make their flight convenient. In an interview with Kim Sun A from Air Seoul Airlines, she said that there are many difficulties when working as a flight attendant, but the best part is that her everyday life is always different. She really feels the nature of her job when she eats breakfast in South Korea, eats dinner in another country and flies with other guests every time. Anyone who wants to be a flight attendant can be a flight attendant if he has consideration, problem-solving skills, and the will to have  good stamina.

▲ She is in an aip plane as a flight attendant.

There are many essential factors and helpful things to be an aircrew or a flight attendant. First of all, one should have good eyesight and should be tall to get good points in the interview. Also, one should have good facial expressions and clean skin. Moreover, is good to graduate from college and be in the aviation department, but it does no matter. Lastly, the TOIEC score must be higher than 550, and having a language license is so helpful.

▲ They take a test interview to be a flight attendant.

They try to give better service to them. If you want to be a flight attendant, you should have good appearance, knowledge, and personality, and then you can be a good flight attendant!


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