A Promising Job, Big Data Scientist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-30 16:03:13

▲ The logo of the Glassdoor.

Thanks to the development of data, the jobs which analyze and manage data become more important. One of the American institutes, Glassdoor, selected big data scientist as the most promising job in the future. For example, the big data scientists in the economic area predict the economic situation and pattern and deduct the trend inside the data. From these, they create value, manage, and analyze the big data.

▲ Big data includes all of information.

The big data scientist is selected as the most promising job because of the information and communication development. People produce a lot of data such as traffic condition, economic condition, weather, and disease. It means big data is used in every area. People need a job to analyze and manage these data, so the big data scientists receive attention.

Big data scientists understand the characteristic of the data, make a way to analyze, and fuse with other areas. They also accomplish a program which they have analyzed. Lastly, they manage a computer program which copes with the big data. To sum up, they analyze the big data, accomplish the planning analysis, and manage the big data and computer.

▲ People need these ability to be a data scientist.

What do we need to be a big data scientist? We should have an interest in math, science and computer technology. If we want to be a data scientist, we should learn computer science, math, statistics, and professional knowledge about the area which we analyze. It is said that to be a data scientist, we need various and integrated knowledge.

Through the development of information and communication, we need people who can analyze and manage the data. In a company, they should know about their stock price and economic situation. The role of the big data scientists is to collect data about them. To develop our internet society, we should have attention to the big data scientist.


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