How to Become a Dental Hygienist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-06 19:16:18

▲ ⓒexpatica

A dental hygienist is a person who is trained to work in a dental clinic. Dental hygienists usually clean people's teeth and give them advice on how to look after their teeth and gums. They do some simple checkups, lead radiography, and assist the dentist during operations. They also do teeth corrections and tooth extractions. Also, they sterilize apparatuses and do the management of clinic's all-round work.

To become a dental hygienist in South Korea, you have to study about dental hygiene and take dental hygienist course at a community college or a four-year college program. After studying in college, and upon passing a state examination, you can work in a dental clinic as a dental hygienist. Nowadays, many dental clinics need hygienists, so you can easily get a job.

▲ CareerNet( survey result; Payment, Prospect, Stability, Potential, Working Condition, Professionality and Employment Equity

Working as a dental hygienist in South Korea is also really good. First of all, hygienist's job creation and growth rates are quite high compared to other job groups. The high level of regular employment and job retention has shown that the employment of dental hygienists is highly stable, and there is a high probability of promotion and workplace movement based on ability. The social reputation of dental hygienists is positive, and the sense of contribution or calling to society is higher than the average. In addition, high job satisfaction, low stress on work, and a positive social reputation are also seen as this job's advantages that many are looking forward to the future.

Many dental hygienists look forward to going and work in a foreign country because of the high salary. The average salary for a dental hygienist in foreign countries is the highest in Canada, which is $66,300 per year. In Australia, it is $55,166 per year, and in Switzerland, it is $62,028 per year.

▲ Swiss dental hygienists website(

Switzerland is the most developed country in dental sanitary systems. Many dental hygienist students used to train in Switzerland or invite experts from Switzerland to taught by them. To become a dental hygienist in Switzerland, you should submit your available license and major diploma. Additionally, it's helpful to study German and French because Switzerland uses four different languages, but German and French are the two main used languages.

July 21st, 2019

By Lee Hyun-seo


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