The Fine Dust is getting worse대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 01:40:37


     Nowadays, outdoor is so beautiful because of the cherry blossoms and some wonderful spring flowers. We can feel the spring feelings when we open the windows and smell the flower's smell. However, we should not open the window as possible. It is because of the fine dust. They threaten us, and they ruin our breath and body system.

     The fine dust happens a few years ago. It is made by many people who want to earn money and live all over the world. Also, It is included in the sand. Therefore, we are affected in spring because the wind from  China blows with sand to South Korea. It has been in the world a long time ago, but it is just a little. In 21st century, the commercial people who do not consider the environment made it the most. Also, if we breath much of it, our skin gets dark, and our breathing system gets hurt.
     Thenm how can we protect our boy from the fine dust? First, we should not open the window if possible. Second, we should wear dust mask. If we do not wear that mask, we can breathe much dust. Third, we should drink water often. If we drink often, the water makes the fine dust bland. Fourth, wash your hands, face and teeth. It can disclude the fine dust that remains in our clothes or body. Finally, we should eat fruits and vegetables much.
     Almost everyone's favorite season is spring. In spring, we can see beautiful flowers and eat fresh vegetables and fruits. However, we cannot open the window often, and we can feel some heavy feelings. The fine dust makes the worst weather environment. To remove it, we can drink water, eat fruits and vegetables and wear mask frequently. Also, check the weather report and enjoy the wonderful spring.

April 15th Kim Yoon Seul


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