About Elementary School Teacher대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 10:05:24

Nowadays, many people want to become an elementary school teacher. The elementary school teacher’s rank is in ten now. It has a lot of attention from people. Actually, the competition is too hard, so many people cannot achieve their dreams easily. Moreover, there are lots of qualifications to become an elementary school teacher.

▲ The elementary school teahcers should understand and love their students.

There are lots of abilities that elementary school teachers should have. The core abilities are language ability, introspection ability, and personal relations ability. They should have a good speaking ability, they need a tranquil and amicable personality. Elementary school teachers require a sense of duty, responsibility, and morality. Also, they should understand and love their students. Moreover, they should have a spirit of independence or leadership. Elementary school teachers’ annual salary changes over a year. The beginning is 2200 to 2300 won. However, their salary will increase over a year. They are suited in society and research. The development possibility of the elementary school teachers is under average. However, their employment equity is the best.

▲ The college of education

Then, we have to prepare hard to become an elementary school teacher. We should get a certificate of second class Orthodox Teachers in elementary school and get through an appointment examination about elementary school. It is advantageous to graduate from a college of education. The most important thing is studying hard. Then, entrance examination laboratory team leader Woo Yeon-cheol said that the academic reports are important evaluation items to enter into a college of education. So, we have to get good academic reports. To get a good academic report, we should get a good score in high school, and our student record should be good.

Elementary school teacher is one of the best jobs. The development possibility is under average. However, it is still loved by many people. The process to become an elementary school teacher is so complicated, but elementary school teachers are needed by many students.


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