Deep-sea Species of Fish‘s Amazing Eye Chemistry대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 10:04:19

▲ Some deep-sea fishes like tube-eye fish raised the possibility that the animals can see color in the dark and deep sea.

Do you know ow deep-sea species of fish see in the darkness? Some people will probably say that they are able to see because of their sparkling eyes. However, that is not true. Then, how do they see with those eyes? There is a hidden chemistry principle in their eyes.

The evolutionary biologists, Zuzana Musilová and Fabio Cortesi, had a survey of 101 species of fish. It reveals that four species from the deep sea have a surprising gene. The surprising gene is the light-sensitive eye proteins called rod opsins. This report may challenge the widespread idea that deep-sea fish cannot see color depending on how the animals use those light catchers.

Humans and many species of fish rely on rods and cones to see, which are two light-detecting cells in the eyes. Rods use one opsin which is called Rh1. It always works in the dim light. Moreover, cones use two or more opsins, and it needs a large amount of light to work. There are a variety of opsins in cones, but not in rods, because vertebrates see a lot of colors in light conditions.

▲ The lanternfish has bioluminescent organs and this makes them to see well.

Cortesi and Musilová of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia sailed on ships which were equipped to reach into the deep sea. They found out that species in the deep-sea come from the 200 to 1000 meters below the surface, the twilight zone. In this place, sunlight becomes just a subtle lessening of the darkness. Is it interesting that deep-sea fishes see colors in this place?

The deep-sea species of fish are able to see with their eye's rod opsins in the dark sea. It is interesting that some fishes in the dark and deep-sea see many colors more than just shades of gray. That is why many researchers are still researching about this nowadays.


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