School Teacher대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 10:00:33
  • 수정 2019-08-08 10:01:12

Last year, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training and the Ministry of Education administered a job preference investigation to elementary school students and middle school students. Most students answered that they want to be a teacher. Like this, the school teacher is a popular job among the students. To be a school teacher, we must be good at studying and be interested in teaching other people. Also, there are lots of processes to go through to be a teacher. In short, school teachers' main task is to teach students. Elementary school teachers teach all kinds of subjects, and middle school teachers teach major subjects. Also, school teachers do life guidance to students, such as safety direction and fundamental habits.

▲ School teacher, who teach the students

To be a school teacher, there are lots of processes that one has to go through. You should have a teacher's license and take the recruitment test. Also, you should pass the Korean history examination. If you pass the test, you can go to a college of education and study there for four years. There are ten colleges that offer education courses in South Korea. When you graduate from university, you can have an education license. To be a school teacher, you should be good in work performance, have lots of knowledge, have leadership skills and have work experiences.

▲ students are taking a class

Lee Eun Joo, a professor in the Cheongju Nation University of Education, said that if you want to be a school teacher, you have to be interested in education and humanities, and you should be good in Korean, math, and science. You should be interested in the life of various people. Also, you should like to teach and enjoy to change other people to be better.

To sum up, the school teacher is the most popular job for students, and there are lots of processes to be a school teacher. You should be interested in teaching students and in learning the life of various people.


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