All About the Prosecutors대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:06:23

Nowadays, many disputes have not been stopped. Because of them, criminal suits happen a lot, too. To sue these criminal suits, prosecutors are needed. The prosecutors can only sue them. What is a prosecutor? It means a judicial officer who exercises the power of prosecution. 

How can we be a prosecutor? First, you should go and study at a law school. However, not everyone can go to a law school. To enter the kind of school, you should have good grades in a TOEIC test and have other certificates. After you study for years in school, you should take a graduation test and a bar examination. If you do not pass in the examination, you should not be a licensed and certified prosecutor.

The prosecutors do lots of things. Typically, they investigate criminal cases. Also, they bring to the court those who needed to be punished and ask the court to apply the law justly. They collect and analyze evidence related to the incidents. They also command judicial officers. You can see other information about prosecutors in Korea Career-net.

▲ appointed prosecutors

In terms of the prosecutors' difficult points, many of them say that the newcomer prosecutors have a difficulty to get a rest on weekends. The experienced prosecutors have to work overtime every day, too. Sometimes, they receive letters with threats. In South Korea, it is hard to see situations like these, but in other countries like in the United States of America, some prosecutors experience these kinds of situation.

According to a reporter named Park Hyeongsu, you are more faithful to your job, you will be less likely faithful to your family. On duty at a prosecutors' office, Ryu Uijun, a prosecutor said, there are lots of incidents to be inconvenienced. For example, lately, he handled a fraud case. He thought that he could do better than that. He did not want to feel that feeling. So, he tried his utmost in everything.


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