Pro gamer: A Growing Job대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:35:20

▲ They are SKT T1 members, SKT T1 won the MSI and the World Championship.

▲ Lim Yo-hwan, 39, he is a Emperor of Terran.

Today, Internet technology is developing. So, many jobs are formed because of Internet technology. Among others, a pro gamer is the most famous and the most interesting job. A pro gamer is a professional game player. To be a pro gamer, you should play games very well to get the highest score, and you should win in many kinds of game competitions. When you achieve these, you can join a gaming team.

There are different kinds of computer games. Each game has the best player all over the world. For example, the best player in StarCraft Universe is Lim Yo-Hwan. In League of Legends, it is Lee Sang Hyeok also known as Faker, and in Overwatch, they are Lee Seung-jun, Carpe, and Ryujehong. Like these pro gamers, there are many people who want to be a pro gamer. Pro gamers may have much stress, but they have a high level of satisfaction with their jobs. In an interview with AD Carry for Team Splyce, Kasper "Kobbe" Kobberup, a League of Legends pro gamer, he said that it makes them so happy that they can do what they love as a job. How much money pro gamers earn annually? A pro gamer's average annual income is approximately 1000 to 5000 dollars. IT is amazing. So, most pro gamers earn much money, but to be a pro gamer is very hard.

There are best gamers, and the best pro gamers are chosen by the pro gamer's team. Many pro gamers participate in many game competitions. So, many game competitions are held in many countries. For example, the League of Legends World Championship is held every year.

Pro gamer's popularity is increasing, and it is known by many people. Pro gamer is a very active future promising job. In the future, there will be many other kinds of jobs because of Internet technology aside from pro gamer.


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