Enjoying the Cool Air Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:26:29

I remember that I went to Horror Festival, and I cried because of the festival. Maybe I felt scared because the ghost was so scary. However, I grow up now, and I like horror now. So, I went to the Cool Air Festival in Ulsan. It is held from August first to fifth in Ulsan Taehwagang Sbiri Park, a bamboo grove.

First, the highlight of this festival is a horror track. It is consists of seven steps. Firstly, people start a horror track in front of Choqeun door. Secondly, they go to Hell Bridge and then to Hell Ghost. The next step is to pass by the unmarried woman or single woman ghost, mirror ghost, anatomy ghost, and the examination ghost. When I was young, I did that, and it was very scary for me, especially when I passed by the anatomy ghost. When I finished the tracking, I felt so frightened, and I did not feel hot. It was so scary, but it was really exciting for me. The second part is to experience different activities. First, is a ghost make up experience. People can put makeup like a real ghost and can act as a ghost. Next is a ghost costume experience. People can wear costume experience. People can wear the costume of a ghost. Last is the horror VR experience, which people can experience virtual reality. It is not free; however, it is one of the most popular experiences., The last part is to play people can watch a horror movie and a special performance by different actors.

There are also various food trucks. People can try worldwide traditional food. For example, people can taste Russian, Turkish, and Korean foods. There are also some rides for children. There are bungee jump, mini biking, mini pool and mini horror tracking for children. The bungee jump is t

he most popular ride in this festival.

Lastly, people have some rules to keep. They should store all their things when they go to horror tracking it is to protect the ghosts because people can hit the ghost when they feel frightened and nervous. It expense is 3000won for adult and children. You should make a reservation on the Internet if you want to enter the horror tracking without waiting, and you should arrive at least 3602 minutes earlier. It also has a photo zone. Why do not you go to this festival if you are sick of the normal festival or if you are so hot? It will be a great memory for you and your family or friends.


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