The Most Dangerous Disease, Cancer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-14 14:31:48
  • 수정 2019-08-14 14:32:07

Do you know what disease kills humans the most? It is cancer. Cancer is caused by the growth of abnormal cells, and these cells are spread to the other parts of the body. These cells attack the cells that are good for our body, duplicate themselves, and repeat this process. Because of cancer, the body gets weak, and you can get infected by other diseases. Usually, females get cancers such as lung cancer and breast cancer. When you get cancer, you can see possible signs such as unusual bleeding, weight loss, fatigue, and many more.

Do you know what causes most people to get cancer and die? Most people think that people get cancer because of drinking too much alcohol. Surprisingly, using tobacco kills most people who have cancer. About 22 percent of people are killed from using tobacco. Next, lack of exercise and drinking too much alcohol are the tow next causes of cancer. To prevent cancer, there are three steps to follow. These are stopping smoking, eating healthy foods, and exercising.

The first is to stop smoking. When you smoke, it can lead you to have lung, mouth, throat, and other cancers. To stop or avoid smoking, you have to meet a doctor and have a talk about the steps and products that can help you quit smoking.

Second, eat healthy foods. Try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. It is because vegetables and fruits have vitamin C, A, and E which protect DNA from harmful things. Plus, try to avoid eating processed meat. Examples of processed meat are ham, salami, bacon, and many more. According to WHO’s research, processed meat contains carcinogen which causes cancer.

Lastly, to prevent having cancer, you have to exercise. According to WHO and CDC's researches, adults should exercise for 150 minutes a week. They say that exercising can help us prevent cancers such as cancer, colon cancer, and many more.

Mr. Han, who was a director at Seoul National University Hospital, had two cancers. He had liver cancer and bladder cancer. The doctors said he can only live for about two or three years after the surgery. After his surgery, he changed his habit. He started to eat vegetables and to exercise. After a year, he was free from cancer. He said eating vegetables and exercising can help in preventing cancer.


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