The Festivals and Events Around South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 02:12:58

There are lots of festivals around South Korea in April. It is because many people go out to travel in spring. So, I will introduce to you about the festivals and events around South Korea in April.

     First of all, 2017 Yeouido Cherry Blossom festival is open from April 1st to April 9. There are lots of cherry blossoms. We can watch the scenery of the spring season unfolds amid the backdrop of 1,886 trees, including azaleas, forsythia, royal azalea, jopap namu, and malbal.  The grand sights opens there. However, the flowering season of cherry blossoms is only a week away, so we have to hurry to see them.

     Second, there is Shinan Tulip Festival in South Korea. It is open from April 7th to April 16th. Shinan Tulip Festival, titled 'Sea of Oceans, sand and Three Million Tulips, created a tulip garden centered around Daewang Beach, boasting 12 sandy beaches. Also, this year visitors can feel the splendor of tulips that are visible only during the daytime by installing night scenery at the festival hall. Tulip is one of the most beautiful flowers. So, I recommend you to visit here.

     Third, there is Jeju Yuchae Flower Festival. It is open from April 1st to April 9th. When spring comes, the flowers bloom in Jeju Island. The Yuchae Flower Festival, prepared to honor the beauty of rape blossoms, combines the three colors of the mountain, the stone walls next to the road, and the yellow rape flowers in the yellow Sea, giving love to the lovers and their families. Yuchae flower is very beautiful, too. So, I recommend this festival, too.

     Finally, because of these festivals, we can escape from our daily lives. Also, I want to go and watch these festivals, but I am a student. So, you can go there instead of me.

                                                                        April 15th, 2017 Young Hun Kim


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