UN: Maintaining World Peace대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-23 16:14:44

▲ UN: the symbol of world peace

Humans experienced a lot of wars. Among many wars, World War II was the biggest war ever. Because of this, different allies made an international organization to maintain world peace and safety. Through their to ban world wars and to cooperate in terms of politics, economics, society, and cultural part, they were able to maintain world peace until now.

The UN has a lot of assist agencies and specialized agencies. The first is ILO or international Labor Organization. It improves the workers' condition and their status. The second is the WHO or the World Health Organization. It is concerned with international public health. The third is the IMF or the international Monetary Fund. It facilities world trade expansion and stability and promotes economic growth. Finally, we have WTO or the World Trade Organization. It activates free trade between countries. Including these four organizations, there are still more organizations under the UN. Those are specialized agencies. They assist organizations are better known to us. They are UNICEF, WFP, ITC, and many others.

Until these days, some countries are still in the war, and one of these is Yemen, in the Malay peninsula. Because of this war, the UNHCR helped those refugees from it. So, I interviewed an employee who is working in Yemen. Aymen Gharaibeh has been working for about 25 years. He worked in various countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others. He became a UNHCR employee when he was 25 years old because he did not get any achievement in his previous job. He wants to learn not just the world he reads in the book, but the real world. So, he participated in the UNHCR that gave him a chance to develop his interest to understand the world and practice a ministrant mind for humanism. He said that refugees should not give up. He is working for a group of tough, resilient people who do not give up. Because they need to show their tough spirit and their recuperation, their vocation is complicated and specific as they deal with people.

The organization who works hard to maintain world peace and safety in the UN. Various types of organizations are trying to make the world's problems disappear. So, we should know and appreciate the efforts they gave.

▲ UNHCR working for refugees


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