Steps of Becoming Primary School Teachers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-23 16:20:34

▲ primary teacher

Do you want to be a teacher? There are four steps to becoming a primary school teacher. The four steps are so hard. According to U2M blog's statistics, middle school students' most-wanted job is a teacher. The middle students see their teachers a lot. So, most middle school students want to be a primary school teacher.

The first step to being primary school teachers is to enter a university. You can go to any of the country's education universities like Ewha Woman's University, Korea National University. You must graduate from any of these universities, you cannot be primary school teachers. The second step is to get certified. After you graduate from any of the country's education universities, you take the licensure examination for teachers. If you pass, you will be given a certificate with a license number. If you get certified, you can be a teacher. The third step is to take the Korean History Proficiency Test. After getting a teaching certificate, you take the Korean History Proficiency Test. If you pass the test, you can get another certificate. The last step is to take the pre-employment. After passing the pre-employment examination, you will be primary school teachers, and you apply for a working area.

To be a primary school teacher is very hard. The competitiveness is fierce. It may be challenging, but why not become a protagonist who reshapes the new century.

▲ primary teacher


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