Let‘s Go to Cheomseongdae!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 20:00:20

Cheomseongdae is in Inwangdong, Gyeongju, South Korea. It was constructed during the reign of Queen Seon - deok (632~647). It is 9m talls and it has a lot of scientific principles in it. It was declared national treasure 31 on December 20th, 1962. This was used  as an astronomical observatory and to make the Korean calendar. It is the oldest astronomical observation structure in East Asia.

It is composed of 362 granite blocks which some claim represents the 362 days of the lunar year. The 30 layers of Cheomseongdae represent the 30 days in month and the 4 corners of Cheomseongdae represent East, West, South, and North. Each corner shows a different direction.

Cheomseongdae’s history was written by ll-yeon. Ll-yeon wrote a book called, “The Heritage of the Three States.” This book is a Korean Traditional historical story. The Silla people wanted to use their own calendar. So they decided to use Cheomseongdae to observe the stars.

Today Cheomseongdae has a very big problem. Cheomseongdae is leaning 1M per year. Many people call Cheomsengdae the “Leaning tower of Pisa”. On September 12th. 2016, there was a 5.8 earthquake in Korea and because of this natural disaster Cheomseongdae started leaning faster. Many people have asked  the government to do repair work on Cheomseongdae.




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