Game Designer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-24 08:59:05

These days, the gaming industry's volume is increasing. So, many jobs are emerging in the gaming industry. Among them, game designers are also popular. A game designer earns an annual income of approximately 32938 dollars, and this job's future is very good because the gaming industry is increasing. People also think that a game designer is a good job of this era. So, many people look for this job.

What do game designers do? There are many titles for game designers. These are system designers, concept designers, and level designers. However, unless there are more than ten game designers in a team, they often do two or three things at once, rather than just one job. Also, since games are often created without game designers as mentioned above, it would be more desirable to classify creating games as a job rather than a game designer's job.

▲ Miyamoto Shigeru, 66, he is a very famous game designer.

▲ Toby Gard, 47, he is also a famous game designer.

From an interview with a famous game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, who made Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, and The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, he said that it is important to keep in mind that you can achieve as much as the love you put into making a game. Another important factor is the belief and trust that the producer is an artist. However, at the same time, it takes a lot of technology to build, so a producer has to be an engineer. Also, according to Toby Gard, who made Tomb Raider, the first is to virtualize the control system, including the game techniques, the second is to have a technical idea of how to implement all of the things mentioned above, and the third is

to write down all of these.

Through the interviews with the game designers, you can see what game designers should do and think about.


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