Jude, a Righteous Career대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-24 09:00:45

Nowadays, there are various accidents that happen in our daily life. In an accident, there is an attacker and a victim. Then, a judge is needed in this case to solve the problem between the attacker and the victim. The main responsibility of a judge is to adjudicate the progress in a trial and decide the right judgment basing on the arguments of the lawyer and prosecutor. A judge takes an important role in society. So, a judge needs to learn and have many skills in giving justice.

There was an interview with Judge Cheon Jong Ho. According to him, he wanted to be a judge when he was young because he wanted to solve small and big problems around the world. He encountered many things when he became a judge. He also said that when he solved many people's big and mall problems, he felt tight, but it was worthwhile. Also, he does not have regrets after he became a judge. He wants to say to younger men who want to be a judge to fundamentally know about the law, grow wise and learn more in school.

To be a judge, there are several qualifications in this degree. First, one should graduate from a university with a four-year course. Then, one should enter a law school. Entering a law school is a very important point in being a judge. After entering in a law school, one should register in the highest group. After graduation, one should study for seven to ten years to be a judge. Also, one should know about the law well. A judge usually makes the progress of a trial and listens to the lawyer and the prosecutor's argument to decide the result of the trial.

In one article, a judge said that he listens carefully to the two sides opinions for an hour. Then, he should decide carefully. A judge has the principal role in a trial.


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