Guyeong Middle School Event: Sports Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-27 16:36:23

These days, most schools have a sports day, the event in which students play sports and games in school. The event has a relay race, tug-of-war, three-legged race, long skipping rope, and many

▲ a photo that play relay race
more. The sports day of Guyeong Middle School is similar to others, but there were special things. During the event in Guyeong Middle School, the teachers tallied the scores and at the end of the game, the class which had the highest score got money and gifts and bought pizza and chicken.

An interview with Kim Jun Woo, who is a senior student of Guyeong Middle School and who also played games in the sports day, he said that on the sports day, they did many kinds of exercise. Doing many things during that event, they felt the spirit of teamwork. Also, they were able to play without worrying about their studies for a change. He added that on the sports day, they hurt their body a little, but they were still very happy. Also, Sa Ham Lee, a teacher in Guyeong Middle School who teaches physical education, said that the children seemed really happy. Also, the teacher felt great because the students played and learned about cooperation through this event in spite of their busy life.

▲ spirit of teamwork
To prepare for the sports day, students of each class have to wear a class uniform. So, they collected money from all their classmates and the class representative bought all the uniforms for the whole class. Also, everybody made cheering tools together. Moreover, on the sports day, there were small and big accidents. So, it was a good thing that there were small hygiene rooms with school nurses.

There were a lot of positive effects, but there were some negative effects on the event in Guyeong Middle School. During the event, students got hurt, and there was a fight between students. These problems will still continue in other events. Nevertheless, students enjoyed this sports day in Guyeong Middle School.


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