Teenager‘s Promising Job대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-27 16:38:04

If our country has to explain our diplomatic policy, what do we have to do? In this kind of situation, a diplomat has to handle this as a representative instead of the government.

One of the most famous diplomats is Charles-Maurice de Tallyrand. He is a French man. When the regime changed, the manpower needed. Tallyrand's diplomatic capacity. At that

▲ Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand

time, France got defeated against England in the war, so England wanted to have their territory and money back. However, Talleyrand solved the problem by his diplomatic capacity. So, they announced him to be the diplomat.

There are many benefits for those who are diplomats. First, the government protects its house and health. Also, the police cannot enter their house easily. Moreover, if they retire, they will still receive annual income in their whole life. Most of all, their annual income is 100 million won. Because of that, LG Economic

▲ Diplomat of Korea
Research Institute said that diplomat will be a promising career in the 21st century in the field of politics. However, you have to pass the examinations to be a diplomat. First, you have to pass the PSAT(English, history and foreign languages). Second, you have to take a Korean examination and the ability to write essay examination. Third, you have to pass the interview and wait to be selected by a candidate, you should study for one year in the National Diplomatic Academy. If you finish studying, you can be a diplomat. Finally, if you receive a promotion, you can be an ambassador, the highest career point of being a diplomat.

A career magazine said that diplomat entered the list of 2010 prospective careers. According to LG Economic Research Institute, the world becomes more globalized, so globalization field will have more prospective careers in the 21st century.


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