Justice Comes True대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-27 16:49:35

Chief prosecutor Kimhongill said that the public prosecutors fight with the evils over all the world such as the petty criminals, brutal criminals, and the smart criminals. In his opinion, the understanding of human is harder than investigating a crime. There are one prosecutor's life story and the problem of modern society in his interview.

▲ Dike

The public prosecutors investigate a crime and indict the suspects. They collect evidence and analyze it, too. After the prosecution, they produce the evidence to prosecute the suspects. If a country participates in a lawsuit, they often charge of the affair.

According to the Korea Employment Information Service, there are many promising career fields including medical treatment, hygiene, life science, computer network, and the law field. KEIS made a reference that the employment rates of the lawyer and the public prosecutor will increase in the future. Many scholars said that emotionless AI cannot commute the law field. For these reasons, the public prosecutor is considered a promising job in the future.

To be a public prosecutor, a person needs a bachelor's degree, nice English speaking and writing skills, transcript of LEET, law school entrance formalities, and a call to the bar. The people who want

▲ Public Prosecutor Salary

to be a public prosecutor should have default knowledge about sociology, anthropology and the history except for law. Writing, communication skill, the faculty of speech, logical thinking, self-examination, personal relationship and the sense of justice are also important to be a public prosecutor. "Prosecutor Kimdayoung said that modern people are freezing their heart. So, the public prosecutor should love all the people. Loving all the people is the way of milting their heart. In conclusion, the prosecutor should love all the people even criminals.


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