Events in September: A Month of Book Reading in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-02 14:23:09

▲ Ulsan Metropolitan Library

This month, September is a month of book reading. Welcoming the reading month, Ulsan prepared some events for the citizens in Ulsan. There are various events for several ages such as elementary school children, and adults.  

First, regardless of age, diverse and interesting events are ready. The event, "A Journey Towards the Most Beautiful Garden in the World", is going to be held on the 7th of September in Ulsan Library. Three garden designers will talk about the garden of Ulsan's famous river, Taehwa River. This program will be helpful for those who are interested in the garden. You can apply for this on the Internet. Also, the plays, "A Beautiful World of Friends in Forest" on the 8th and "Picture Fairy Tale Said by a Polar Bear", on the 22nd can give you a mind to love the nature and learn some information about history with a fairy tale. These events are all free.

▲ The event ˝A Journey Towards the Most Beautiful Garden in the World˝

Second, the exciting events for elementary school children are prepared as well. An event titled "Clear Sky, Clear Cloud" will be held on the 29th of September in the third cultural classroom. Another event, "A Family Who Protects the Earth of Its Author, Kim Ba-da", is also planning to be held on 29th in the comprehensive video room, and it is only for grades three to six. The fee is free.

▲ The event, ˝A Family Who Protects the Earth of Its Author, Kim Ba-da˝

You can have a good time with your family, friends, or yourself with these events only for this month. You can apply for them without any cost by the website of the Ulsan Metropolitan Library or its telephone only for some. Everyone can participate, and if you want to know more, find the home page of the Ulsan Metropolitan Library.

September 22nd, 2019

by Kim Hyeon


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