How to Be a Perfumer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-02 14:27:00

We always smell various scents from many things. So, scent is becoming a more important factor in choosing products. Then, do you know how companies give scent to their products? Perfumers give scent to them. According to Misung Jung who is the representative of GN Perfume, said that a perfumer is a promising job because the products with scent are becoming more popular. The number of perfume jobs has increased in the last ten years. Moreover, the range of people using scent is becoming wider. So, the job of a perfumer is a promising job.

There are two types of the perfumer. One is the perfumer who works to develop the scents for industrial goods like cosmetics. Another is the one who adds flavor to foods. Like these, we can determine that not only products are being added with scents but also foods are being added with scents to create flavor.

It is easy to believe that to be a perfumer, one should have a very good sense of smell. However, in one interview, Misun Jung said that expressing well is more important than having an inborn good sense of smell. She added that we should love various scents and be interested in them constantly. Also, we should know our own way to get rid of our stress because the scent that we made can be influenced by our stress. Lastly, we should have patience and good health condition. She also mentioned that she started this work with a simple reason, and she feels happy and learns so much.

Perfumers are classified as researchers belonging to a research center or to a research department. So, they are called researchers. One should have a major in chemistry or cosmetic-related with a four-year course in a university. Studying in a foreign country makes it more advantageous to get a job. Also, getting a civilian license is helpful. Moreover, the most important thing to be a perfumer is creativity. If you are interested in flavor or scent, how about becoming a perfumer?

▲ A different kinds of perfumes


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