What Is a Pharmacist?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-02 14:28:49

Do you know the roles of pharmacists? A pharmacist is a health care person who performs a task in the field of health science focusing on the safety of the people. So, to be a pharmacist, it needs a hard process and high knowledge of life science. After becoming a pharmacist, one needs to work hard, too.

As an expert in medicine, pharmacists are responsible for the preparation, supply management of drugs and the production and distribution of drugs. The process to be a pharmacist is hard, too. First of all, to be a pharmacist, you have to study the course. There are lots of colleges of pharmacy, such as Kyung Hee University and Seoul National University. Also, if you want to get in college, you need to have a Peet, a certified English score, and a GPA. After completing the four-year course, you are eligible to take the National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board. You can become a pharmacist bypassing the Pharmacist Licensure Examination.

▲ drugs

The vision of pharmacy is great, too. In the interview of Suk-Hyang lee, a professor from Ajuo University College of Pharmacy, he said that the field of pharmacy needs high and advanced ability. So, the field of pharmacy has many ways to success. It is because pharmacists are majoring in biology, chemistry or life science. Moreover, these days, almost every field requires science skills. So, pharmacists can work in pharmaceutical companies or as a professor in pharmacy colleges that offer pharmacy courses like her. Actually, there are lots of pharmacists who are working in other workplaces.

▲ Pharmacist

A pharmacist is a professional job. So, the process of becoming a pharmacist is difficult and complicated. However, after becoming a pharmacist, the job environment is relatively free, and the outlook is very bright as they majored in medicine. If you are interested in science, why not try to become a pharmacist.


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