Your Future That May Disappear대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-22 12:07:13

What if you lose your job overnight? It be can happen in the near Fourth Industrial Revolution. So, many jobs will disappear in the future because of many developing new technologies.

▲ Economic Review

According to Dashin Securities, many jobs will disappear in the future because of the ten new technologies that may exterminate jobs. These are the Internet of things, Cloud, Advanced robot, 3D printing, nanotechnology, genetic may, autonomous vehicles, next-generation, new technology for resource exploration, and renewable energy. These new technologies people's daily life. For instance, people do not have to buy things that are too expensive. It is because it is easy to make things through 3D printing. Like this, people's daily life will change and become more convenient than now.

Eighty percent of existing jobs today will disappear in the future such as teacher, interpreter, CEO, truck driver, trade printer, orthodontist, police officer, deacon, and many other jobs. It came up in the United Nation's future report. On the other hand, what are the few jobs that will still exist? Dashin Securities said that jobs such as producer, athlete player, painter, and jobs that deals with human emotion will not disappear.

However, there are also careers in the limelight such as virtual space designer, ethical lawyer, data analyst, and digital cultural commentator that are virtual predictors according to Dashin Securities.


It is a requirement for students to search and know what they will do in the future. So, young people should think about their lives and should try to find their lives and should try to find their jobs in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is not a problem of one person but a problem of many people. If you put more effort into this, there will be more jobs in the future that you want.


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