The annual cherry blossom festivals held in Seoul대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 20:55:57

The cherry blossom festivals were held nationwide.

Among the countless flowers blooming in the spring, cherry blossoms are considered to be one of the most symbolic flowers which heralds the season rather directly.

In this period of time every year, the seasonal songs themed on cherry blossom regain popularity and cruise to the top spots on music charts, even few years after its original release.

Upon the season, some of the most popular cherry blossom festivals took place in Seoul.

Yeongdeungpo Yeouido spring flower festival is one of the most popular cherry blossom festivals in Korea. It has 1886 flowering cherry trees and holds events such as singing contest and character parade. This year, the festival was held from April 1 to April 9.

Seokchon lake cherry blossom festival featured “Sweet Swan” project and the tradition art performance. “Sweet Swan,” following the lake’s previous exhibition projects including the “Rubber Duck” project, showed the floating sculptures of swans on the middle of the lake. The festival was held between April 1 and 9.

Seoul National Cemetery cherry blossom festival is comparatively quiet due to its characteristic of place. However, since it features a wide variety of vegetation along with the cherry blossom trees, the festival is still beloved.

While the festivals drew most visitors over the weekend of April 8-9, the flower were at peak over the weekend of April 15-16.


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