The Sports Day in Guyeong Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-29 15:25:16

Most students like to play sports. For instance, students play soccer and dodgeball after lunch time or on a break. In Guyeong Middle School, a sports day is held every year. On that day, the students enjoy the day with many spectacles and sports games with great prizes.
The sports day is held in the early summer. This year, it was held on May 17th on the school playground. Before the sports day, students bought a class uniform through a class debate. One of the famous class uniforms was the soccer team uniform. Many students who love the soccer team wanted this uniform. On that day, the students played various sports such as soccer, relay running, race tug of war, three-legged race, and dodgeball. One student who of Guyeong Middle School named Tae Yeon said that the team was doing well, but they lost the game. However, they did their best, so she did not regret it.

▲ Students are happy on sports day.

After the competition, there were many spectacles. Guyeong school's band club and dance club practiced their performance for a long time. They sang and danced. All of the school students and teachers believed they looked amazing. Other students presented a performance with their talents, too. Also, while watching the performances, the teachers scored and decided on the final winning team. There was also a cheering award. The principal bought ice cream for all the students so that the team that did not win to prize would not be sad.
To develop students' unity and pleasure, sports day is necessary. They can play sports and encourage each other. If your school does not hold a sports day, it will be nice to suggest it to your school principal.

▲ Preparation to exercise


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