Samsung Held Foundry Forum in the US대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-30 22:04:47

On October 17, Samsung Electronics held "SAFE Forum" (Samsung Advanced Foundry Ecosystem) at Samsung Electronics' DSA building in San Jose to share technology trends and to strengthen cooperation with foundry ecosystem developers.

▲ SAFE Forum Logo

"SAFE Forum" is an event that is designed to provide opportunities for partners to discuss and explain solutions in various fields, such as EDA (Electronic Design Automation), IP (Intellectual Property), Cloud, Design, Package, and others that are essential for the design and production of semiconductor products. About 400 developers of semiconductor design customers and partners attended this first SAFE forum. They shared the advantages of SAFE, in line with the latest semiconductor design trend. In addition to the lecture, participants had a chance to explore the optimal solution to implement new ideas as semiconductor products through 40 partner booths at the venue.

▲ SAFE Forum Logo with four keywords

According to Park Jae-hong, vice president of Samsung Electronics's foundry division, the "SAFE" program has grown qualitatively over the past two years, including quantitative growth in expanding their customers and close cooperation among their partners, customers and foundry units. He also said that they will continue their efforts to increase their accessibility in the future to make it more convenient for their customers to take advantage of Samsung Foundry's technology strengths.

▲ Park Jae-hong makes a speech in SAFE Forum

Foundry is a consignment company that receives the design of its products from outside and produces semiconductors. It has semiconductor production facilities, but it does not make products by designing them by itself but rather makes profits by producing products of consignors. Fabless Manufacturing is a company that has semiconductor design technology, but it does not have production lines. So, Fabless pays consignment fees to the foundry.

October, 26th, 2019

By Bak Jeong-heon


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