Various Events of Korean Companies Celebrating Hangul Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-31 10:38:31

South Korean companies have carried out direct writing campaigns and events in Korean, including producing booklets to teach them how to use the correct Korean languages on the occasion of the 573rd anniversary of Hangul.

▲ Hangul Day is October 9th

SK Telecom has published "Our Language Education Book" and distribute it to its members, which calls for the use of communication terms in Korean to mark Hangul Day. SK Telecom explained that it took into account that many use communication terms that are difficult to understand in communication with customers, and that many use inappropriate words because they are negligent in understanding the social atmosphere and changes in customers' perception.

▲ 62 kinds of postcards by GS25

GS25 also launched a campaign to promote the Korean language on the occasion of Hangul Day. GS25, A convenience store run by GS Retail, will be enclosed in the National Institute of Korean Language, the National Hangul Museum and all lunch boxes that produce and sell 62 kinds of postcards to promote the beauty and excellence of the Korean language. The postcards were made using 25 Korean historical people and 25 species that purify abused foreign languages, and they also include the names and achievements of 12 people who worked to spread and activate the Korean language.

▲ a handwritten event by LG Household & Health Care

LG Household & Health Care hosted a handwritten event in celebration of Hangul Day at Nature Collection. Nature Collection organized the event to promote the beauty of Hangul and to introduce Nature Collection products in a more friendly and fun way by creating a chance to write handwritten letters to modern people who are familiar with digital content.

October 20th, 2019 by Lim Hyun-woo


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