The Most Popular Dream Among Students대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-12 10:48:53

Teenagers often have thoughts and worries about their future. They take a look at adults to learn and figure out what they want to do. They spend a lot of time ins school with their teachers, and that is the reason why teaching has become the most popular job among teenagers. then, how can teenagers become teachers?

▲ Teacher`s first role
Middle school students picked teaching as the most wanted job, although becoming a teacher is not that easy. There are three big ways to become a teacher. First, if you graduate in a college of education, that will give you a teacher's license, or you can just graduate in a regular university majoring teaching related major, which will result similarly as first. The last one is to graduate from a school of education. However, to become a national appointed teacher, you need to pass the teacher certification examination.
To become a teacher, you need to choose a certain subject you want to teach. In the case of the third one, you need to have a major in college, at graduate school. with your subject, you need to have a major that is related to your subject. After passing the teacher certification examination and doing all the things needed, you will be called to the schools randomly.

▲ Teacher is a job that needs to communicate with students

According to the career related site "Career Net", after becoming a teacher, one must guide the students to the important parts of their life. Also, he must stick with his students and lead them properly and nicely. Teaching is a job for teaching subjects, but it is a job for teaching integrity, toleration, self-esteem, and more. It is part of the teachers' job to help their students find their dream, just like they did and to care for them with love.

Teaching is surely a difficult job. Even if there are quite a few ways to become a teacher, all of them are difficult. It is because teaching is the job that requires mental attitude, and it seems much harder now.


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