Diplomats, the People who Love South Korea and Serve the People대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-12 11:30:24

Diplomats, on behalf of the country, cooperate in friendly summits with other diplomats from other countries and collect information from around the world. It is a force to support the convenience and safety of our citizens abroad. A diplomat is the most important job not only in South Korea but also in all countries of the world. Also, a diplomat in South, Young Hee Krim, said that among the jobs, the diplomat is the most wanted professors. Also, it is the highest job at the national level. She thinks that she contributed, and she personally made great growth.

▲ 21st Asean Plus Three Summit

So, what should we do to be a diplomat? First, there is a Diplomat Candidate Selection Test in South Korea. To explain this test, the test is divided into three steps. The first step is writing a test which is optional. The second step is also a writing test, and the third step is an interview. The people who majored in the department of Political Science and Diplomacy can apply for this test. In addition, to be a diplomat, we should have capacities about various foreign Languages and extensive knowledge about society. That is because we have to introduce the excellence of Korean cultures to the whole world. Then, when there are conflicts between countries, diplomats should be able to solve them well. So, they need to have sober judgment and keen observation.

Diplomats in South Korea work in many fields. For example, they work for economics, politics, military affairs, and art. That is why diplomat is one of the indispensable jobs in South Korea. Also, the scope is gradually expanding. When divided into large sectors, diplomats are striving to promote friendly and cooperative relations with other countries around the world through continuous all-round diplomacy. Moreover, they seek peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia, and they contribute to international peace and prosperity through regional and multicultural cooperation.

Diplomats work for many kinds of areas not only in South Korea but also in many countries. So, they should love their country and serve all the citizens. That is why they need to know well about the society. Diplomats are also the face that represents our country. As much as that, they always feel immense pride in what they do, and they do their best. How about learning about this interesting job?

▲ Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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