How to Be a Doctor be changed in the future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-12 11:39:01

▲ The future doctor(=robots)

Have you ever been to a hospital in your life? Many people have been to the hospital. Most of them have been to a hospital when they were sick. There are many different types of doctors. For example, when we hurt our eyes, we will go to an ophthalmologist. Likewise, we usually go to the hospital, so a doctor is an important job in our life. Also, in the future, it seems that this job will disappear, or if not, will be changed and improved. So, we need to be aware of how to be a doctor. too.

Basically, a doctor is a person who cures people's disease, with medical information. There are two ways to be a doctor. First, in South Korea, ways to be a doctor. First, in South Korea, we need to go and study for six years in a medical university or in a medical school. The most famous university in South Korea that offers medical courses at Seoul National University. When we graduate after six years from a university, we get a bachelor's degree. With the bachelor's degree, we need to take and pass a medical state examination. If we pass, we will become a doctor.

The second way to be a doctor is to graduate from a foreign university. We need to graduate from a medical department, too. However, in this way, we must have a medical license. There are ten medical courses to take in order to get a medical license. For instance, there is a pediatrician. A pediatrician is a person who cures children. Also, there is a dentist who treats oral health. Moreover, there is a physician, surgeon, dermatologist, and many more. We can only get a license when we graduate from any of those medical courses. Also, we need to pass a medical state examination. Eventually, when we become a doctor, we must do the Hippocratic oath about a doctor's ethics.

▲ Hippocratic oath

However, many people think that this job, doctor, will disappear in the future because of robots. However, in an interview with a professor, form the Department of Human ICT Convergence, in Sungkyunkwan University, Yunseop Choi, he said a job of a doctor will not disappear, but it will be changed into a different way. Also, many students will be more interested in this job for our future health.


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