Japan Tried to Hide the Truth대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-12 13:51:25

In Japan's art festival, the work related to the statue symbolizing Japan's sexual enslavement of women has been canceled. According to the Kyodo Newspaper, Ise's art exhibition retracted work that uses Japan's sexual enslavement of women's images. This work is titled "Who am I" with a red hand painted in black, and Japan's sexual enslavement of women is in the upper left-hand corner expressed by the way of collage.

▲ Ise`s art exhibition retracted work uses Japan`s sexual enslavement of women`s image.

It is not the first time that Japan disturbs the exhibition of Japan's sexual enslavement of women. It happened two months ago, too. The Aichi Triennale, Japan's largest international art festival that is held every three years starting in 2010, was held on August 1st for the fourth time this year with 90 artists from 30 countries participating. It included a statue of Japan's sexual enslavement of women. It was the first time a statue of a girl was displayed at the Japanese Public Museum as it was, not as a model. However, from the day after the exhibition, the pressure on Japanese right-wingers increased, and the statue was received with interference and ridicule from them. In the end, the statue was blocked by a wall three days after the exhibition.

▲ Japan has been disturbed the exhibition of Japan`s sexual enslavement of women.

The comfort women in Japan's sexual enslavement were women who were forced to commit sexual acts during World War II to satisfy the sexual desire of the Japanese military. Initially, they were mobilized by public recruitment and advertising, but after the war spread, they were forcibly mobilized by clearing debts, kidnapping and job fraud by public authority. Japan have mentioned Japan's sexual enslavement, too. It is from the Kono Statement. Yohei Kono has an official statement acknowledging the military's intervention and duress in the process of mobilizing Japan's sexual enslavement. The statement pointed out that Abe Shinzo's remarks required verification, revealing the contradictory attitude of the Japanese government.

▲ Many women was mobilized in many ways like kidnapping and job fraud.

Recently, the unveiling ceremony of Japan's sexual enslavement statue was held in the front yard of a store in Annandale, Virginia. The fifth statue of Japan's sexual enslavement was erected in the Americas and other countries. Despite Japan's interference and protests, the move to remember and publicize the history of women under Japanese, that they are trying to erase, will further spread.

Nov, 2nd, 2019

by Pyo Seung Hui


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