Biomedical Specialist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-12 13:54:04

What do you think is the job which will be the most practical job in the future? In the future, a biomedical specialist will be the most practical job. A biomedical specialist makes medicines using materials obtained from living things, not obtained from chemical materials. A biomedical specialist is different from a pharmacist. A pharmacist dispenses medicines to create new medicines. Also, a pharmacist uses chemical medicines, but a biomedical specialist creates biological medicines.

▲ Aspirin that is one of the biomedical supplies.

A biomedical specialist is suitable for the people who are R type (Real) and I type (Investigative) in their aptitude test. Also, people who like chemistry and biology are suitable to become a biomedical specialist. To become a biomedical specialist, you have to enter a science high school, and you have to enter a college of medicine. In college, you have to study organic chemistry, genetic engineering, biochemistry, genetic engineering, biochemistry, veterinary science, biology, pharmacy, biotechnology, pathology, and toxicology. After you graduate, you could go to a graduate school, and you can be a researcher or a university professor. Biomedical specialists do animal experiments, clinical demonstrations, cell culture, and create cosmetics. Also, they make biological medicines. For example, they make insulin, aspirin, monoclonal antibody using substances that organize living things such as proteins, cells, and genes. Biomedical medicine is good for healing autoimmune disease and genetic disorders, such as cancer, diabetes, atopy, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Cell medicines and gene therapy's development possibilities are growing. In medicine, in the past, medicines were sold mostly. However, these days, biological medicines are sold mostly. So, among all medicines, biological medicines comprise more than half. In an interview with Jong woo Kim, who is a biomedical specialist in career-net, he said that all over the world, the biological industry is growing bigger.

To sum up, biomedical specialist's development possibility is growing. This job will be the most practical job in the future. Biomedical specialists do a lot of things to develop medical technology. To become a biomedical specialist, you have to study hard about science and medicine.

▲ Insulin that is the biomedical product.


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