The top of the Box Office Kim Ji-young, Born 1982대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-14 11:37:54

Recently, there were lots of movies at the box office. Among them, "Kim Ji-young, Born 1982", came in the first place at the Korean box office. Though it has been open for just ten days in South Korea, the total attendance of this movie has topped two million. It was well received by its audience. However, there was a controversy in the movie before its premiere. Some people opposed the release of the movie. What is more, a 19 years old male student inserted an article on a national petition website opposing the release of this movie because it is a feminist film. Nevertheless, "Kim Ji-young, Born 1982", continued to batter the top box office spot.

▲ the petition that oppose to the premiere of ˝Kim Ji-young, Born 1982˝

Kim Ji-young, Born 1982, was released on October 23rd. Its genre is drama, and it was directed by Kim Do-young. The movie is based on a book with the same title written by Jo Nam-joo. The main character of this movie is Jeong Yu-mi and Gong Yu. Jeong Yu-mi took the role of Ji-young, and Gong Yu assumed the role of Ji-young's husband, Dae-hyun. Besides them, there are other characters such as Ji-young's mother, Kim Min-kyung, Eun-yeong by Gong Min-jeong, and others.

▲ the poster of the movie

The main plot of the movie is the usual Korean women's lives in Korean society. Ji-young was born in 1982, and now, she is someone's daughter, wife, friend, and mother. Sometimes, she is frustrated because she feels that she is trapped somewhere. Nevertheless, she can stay strong because of her daughter and husband, Dae-hyun, even if they do not meet often. However, Ji-young speaks as if she was someone else from some days on. Dae-hyun can not tell this strange fact to his wife because he is afraid that his wife will get hurt.

▲ a scene from the movie, ˝Kim Ji-young, Born 1982˝

Kim Ji-young, Born in 1982 is the most popular movie in theaters now. It is because its original novel has the same title. Many people already knew and read the original novel. In one of the reviews of the movie, the story of this movie arouses sympathy regardless of age. Also, many people said that the movie is sadder and more painful than the original novel. If you read the original novel before you watch the movie, you can understand and sympathize with the contents of the movie well.

November 2nd, 2019, by Go Seohyun


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