The Reform Plan for College Entrance System of President Moon Jae-in 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-14 11:39:45

▲ President Moon Jae-in ordering to increase regular admission policies

President Moon Jae-in ordered to increase regular admission policies for six of ten people to empathize with the direction of reformation.

▲ Result of survey about increasing regular admission policies for the public

In the survey about President Moon Jae-in in increasing regular admissions, 62.2 percent of respondents agreed on it. On the other hand, only 29.4 percent of the respondents disagreed about it, while 8.4 percent were non-responsive. In the age group, 78.6 percent of people were in favor of the 30s , with the highest positive evaluation ratio. In the job group, office and management positions evaluated the highest positive assessment with 75.8 percent. In the region group, Gwangju, Jeolla Province had 70.8 percent, Seoul had 65.3 percent and Daejeon, Sejong, and Chungcheong had 63.5 percent that showed positive opinions. Also, it was mentioned that Cheong Wa Dae has paid attention to the details of the selection of so-called SKY universities: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University. Moreover, it was also shown in a report on the results of the Comprehensive Survey on ​the total of students reports model announced by the Ministry of Education. At that time, many analysts said that expanding the Korean SAT on the results of the Education Ministry's announcement would put students from low-income families at a disadvantage. Cheong Wa Dae, however, said that the comprehensive admission process for students includes many equal opportunities such as a test to give equal opportunities for college entrance to basic living allowances and the next-highest class. Excluding this part, we can see the exact situation.

President Moon's view of the need for improvement was also focused on securing fairness in Seoul's top university entrance examination, and this stance remains unchanged, according to Cheong Wa Dae.

Meanwhile, the director of the Korea Student Aid Foundation, Lee Jeong-woo, said that both rolling and regular admissions would matter anytime, so there should be more extensive college entrance system reforms in terms of fairness and justice.

November 10th, 2019

by Kim Hyeon


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