Adolescent Suicide: A Representative Social Problem대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-18 16:15:05

▲ This picture show how many students think suicide.

Nearly, 34 percent of adolescents have thought about suicide themselves. Actually, a boy who is 16 years old went near a window to commit suicide. Then, his feet were separated from the floor, and he went to a place where he could not come back forever. After that day, he was discovered by people. Moreover, this news becomes known to many people. This news shocked the whole nation, and some researchers started to research about the causes of suicide among adults.

Like this, the number of teenagers making extreme choices to end their life before becoming adults is on the rise. According to data submitted by the Ministry of Education to Rep, a total of 549 students have committed suicide themselves over the past four years. High school students accounted for the majority of the suicides at 67.2 percent, followed by 29.8 percent for middle school students, and a percent for elementary school students. Especially, South Korea has the most serious case of youth suicide.

Why do you think adults commit suicide? Typically, the causes why adolescents commit suicide are that most youths felt gloomy and exhausted about a certain condition or mental state of teenagers and their circumstances. Actually, according to of a public survey, family feuds were the most common origin of suicide at 26 percent. The comparable figures were 18.3 percent for depression, including pessimism, and 12.7 percent for stress related to grades and studies. Summing up, adolescent suicide is caused by their many lousy situations.

▲ This picture show why a lot of students think their suicide.

Then, what is to be done about this problem? We need to exert some effort so that we can communicate with adolescents and grasp their mood. Above all things, the government should try to find a solution to prevent youth suicide. With this effort, the suicide rate of adolescents could be reduced.

November 10th, 2019

by Han Yun seo


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