Fusion Science Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-20 12:02:42

Learning science is an important part of human life. So, a lot of schools around the world are introducing science to students and are making science clubs. In Guyeong Middle School, the school made a project named "Fusion Science Project". In this project, the students did two things within two semesters recycled instruments and a miniature Eco-school. Through this project, many students have become more interested in science.

In the first semester, the students made recycled instruments using recyclable materials with all the project members. They decided what kind of instruments they would make. They made musical instruments such as piano and electric guitar, and they made a plan. According to their plan, students made instruments using cans and boxes, and they made an Arduino code. Then, they connected Arduino and the instruments using a wire. At the end of the first semester, the students took part in a competition taking their recycled instruments.

▲ Arduino Machine

Then, the students in Guyeong Middle School made a miniature Eco-school in the second semester. They measured their school's height and building structures. They made a miniature school formed just like Guyeong Middle School's shape using some boards. The miniature eco-school has a wind power generator, a solar energy generator, and a garden on the rooftop. Like in the first semester, the students from Guyeong Middle School joined a contest.

▲ eco-school image

Through this project, Guyeong Middle School was awarded two prizes and received a lot of attention all over the country. A student named Jin Su Kim, who participated in the project, said that while doing the Fusion Science Project, he sometimes thought that he did not want to do the project, but he actually finished it together with the other students. So, he felt a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Before doing this project, He did not really like science, but he actually finished it together with the other students. So, I felt a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Before doing this project, He did not really like science, but after they got a prize twice, I became confident, and he felt that science fits for him. He even wanted to recommend this project to other Guyeong Middle School students. When the project was finished, other schools over the country started this project as well.


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