A Job Which Cures Humans‘ Mind대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-13 14:14:15

Have you researched any career that you do not know? There are people who are interested in psychology because they wonder why other people behave in many ways. There are many features of psychology that one should know about.

According to an encyclopedia, psychology is a field that studies human behaviors and mental processes in a scientific and systematic manner. It provides psychological knowledge and information that can be applied in medical, educational, and industrial scenes. Moreover, it measures humans' and animals' mental and physical features. Also, it provides psychological knowledge and information about certain situations we face in our daily life.

▲ a girl who suffered from mental problem

There are many requirements to be a psychologist. A psychologist requires logical thinking. He has to have affection for every human. He asks questions related to psychological knowledge. Also, a psychologist should observe, study, and analyze complex behavior objectively. He should have writing ability to write an analysis from the result into a report.

A psychologist can get a job in many ways. He can make his way into a public institution, enterprise, university adjunct institution, or government funded research institute. The demand for this job will increase by about 1.9 percent as the importance of mental health is emphasized in modern society. The estimated monthly salary is 3.2 million won.

To be a psychologist is advantageous to graduate from a university, go to graduate school and obtain a master's or a doctor's degree related to psychology. For example, there are different institutions such as Daegu Future College, Sungduk University, YoungJin Cyber College, and the Korea National University of Welfare. On the other hand, for instance, if you are looking for a less than a four-year course in college, there is KC University, Seoul modern professional school that does not consider College Scholastic Ability Test and school grades, but it picks students only be an interview.

In conclusion, there are different psychology's feature, ways to be a psychologist, and universities which are good for psychologist, and universities which are good for psychology. By developing many techniques, many people are getting interested in this field. So, psychology will be developed and will be in demand in our modern society.

▲ Psychologist business


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