South Korea‘s Autumn Season대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-22 11:54:34

South Korea has many charms. such as K-pop, people's intelligence, historical palaces and many more. Unlike other countries, because of its geological location, it has four seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has a different landscape and mood because of the temperature. For these reasons, people around the world like to come to South Korea. However, among four seasons, people in South Korea recommend coming to their country in autumn. It is because, in autumn, there are many kinds of the festival, such as film production festivals, lantern festivals and fallen leaves sightseeing. Also, the weather in autumn is very cool and not very hot, so people can enjoy more activities outside than in summer and in winter.

▲ the picture of South Korea`s autumn

One of South Korea's charms is autumn. In autumn, most farmers in South Korea harvest their crops, so they give their crops to others and held a festival to thank for a bumper year. Because of the bountiful harvests, in autumn, there are many kinds of food in South Korea, such as persimmons, chestnuts, apples, oysters, potatoes and many more. For this reason, people usually say the there are many foods in autumn, so it is a happy season. In autumn, unlike summer and winter, its weather is moderating and cool, so people can enjoy outdoor activities and go on a picnic near a park. South Koreans wear neat and colored warm coats such as color brown, yellow and orange when they go outside.

▲ the poster of autumn`s food festival

Because of autumn's charms, many South Koreans and foreigners go to the festivals to enjoy the season. Autumn festivals are divided mostly about fallen leaves, foods harvested in autumn and fireworks. Recently, South Koreans like to go to parks that have pink muhly, and flame grass. For instance, the fallen leaves festival is famous in Juwang Mountain and in Minding Mountain. In this festival, there are many activities, such as mountain climbing, talent contest, and many performances.

▲ the picture of pink muhly in South Korea

During spring, summer, autumn, and winter, South Korea has various events. Among the seasons, autumn has various festivals and many foods, so when foreigners visit South Korea, they can experience many things and have wonderful memories that can be kept in their minds.

Nov. 16th, 2019

By Sebin Hwang


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