Unique Places that Are out of Normal대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 00:18:20

Unique Places that Are Out of Normal

Let's experience whimsical places around the world.

     Do you like to experience new things such as the ones you have not been experienced? To experience new things or unique things is one part of a country's culture. Nowadays, unique marketing is popular to people. Then, I will introduce some unique places around the world.
     First, there is a hotel that is staffed almost entirely by robots, from automated employees at the reception desk and electric bellboys to droid waiters at a restaurant.

Also, a mechanized dinosaur greets at the check in counter. A luggage robot carries your suitcases to our room. When you sleep on a bed, another robot turns off the lights. Because of the robot, you can take a rest more easily than other hotels. Also,, the hotel can reduce labot costs by two-third. This hotel is located in Nagasaki, Japan. Its name is "Henn-na Hotel". Henn-na means strange. many visitors want to stay in this hotel.

     Second, in summer, we can stay undr the ocean. What does it mean? In Sweden, there is a human aquarium in the middle of the Lake Malaren. A hotel in Sweden allows visitors to sleep underwater while fish swim by, beholding their human display. Also, there is a single room named, "The Utter Inn". Above the surface of the water floats what looks like a quaint, small red-brick house. Surprisingly, if you enter at the door and step down three meters, you can reach a room where windows offer a panoramic view of the surrounding lake. The view of the lake will be beautiful. To go there is one of my bucket recommend this hotel to people who need healing.

     Third, if someone asks you to eat food which is in the toilet or bathroom, can you eat it? In Taipei, there is a toilet restaurant named, "Modern Toilet". It opened in 2004. The procedure that the restaurant offers the food in the toilet shaped bowls is owners came up with the idea of selling brown ice-cream in toilet-shaped bowls. Even the interior of the restaurant, the furniture also has the bathroom theme such as toilet shaped chairs and found in the bathroom, toilet shaped sinks. Actually, diners eat on top of a bathtub, while sitting on the toilet shaped chairs. Some people criticized about the food served in the toilet shaped bowl. However, this restaurant is very popular to visitors. I want tog to there with my friends.

     If you have a chance to go to Japan, Sweden
and Taiwan, I recommend you to go to the abovementioned unique theme hotels or restaurants.

 April 30th,2017 Jung Yu Jin


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