The Day of Reading Books Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 12:23:18

Nowadays, reading books is very important for students. In Guyeong Middle School in Ulsan, there is a day of reading books project. Students do a lot of projects about books on that day.

Guyeong Middle School is the school model of reading books. So, in the first week of September Guyeong Middle School holds a day of reading books project. On this day, all the students read a lot of books and do projects about the books they read. This day is good to develop students' reading skills.

▲ Book

There are many activities for books. On the day of reading books project. Students can make the main character of the books they read using clay or paper. Also, they can write a book review or a poem. In addition, they can also make a video and have a presentation in front of all the students in the school. They have fun doing various activities and enjoy reading books. Day of reading books project, the school principal and teachers up the greatest work and give a prize to the student who made that work.\

▲ Picture of Students Reading books

The day of reading books project in Guyeong Middle School is good for students to develop their literacy skills. They have fun doing activities and reading books. Because of this day, reading books is not a bad thing anymore. How about suggesting your school principal hold a day of reading books project in your school?

By Kwon Ga Ram


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