The Athletic Competition and Job Shadowing of Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-29 16:21:45

There are many events in any school. However, Ulsan Dongpyeong Middle School has more special events than other schools. Those are athletics competition and job shadowing. The athletics competition is held in Dongpyeong Middle School and job shadowing is held in the center of Ulsan for youth. In the athletic competition, many people can enjoy each event, and in the job shadowing, many first-year students can experience each job with a professional instructor.

First of all, in the athletic competition, anyone can father in Dongpyeong Middle School, and he or she can watch each game. The athletic competition is special because of each class's clothes and cheering songs. In Dongpyeong Middle School, each class matches clothes. Also, the members of each class practice a cheering song to dance. The representative students of each class practice individual sports of team sports. A first-grade student, Lee Jiwon, in the Taekwondo club, said that she likes the athletics competition because student can show their skills in sports. Also, she said that in the process, the athletic competition makes their class be more collaborative.

▲ Image of athletic competition

Second, there is a job shadowing. In the job shadowing, the first-year students can do to a center of Ulsan for youth. Before this event, students can apply for each field of study that they want to join. So, students can join a program that they want. The job shadowing makes the first-grade students find their future course more easily and experience many jobs that they have not to know before.

▲ Image of job shadowing

In spite of all the positive impacts on school events, there are some criticisms on them. These kinds of events make students not study well. However, these events make students think more positively, and they give them a rest that affects positive direction on studies.


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