The Science Project of Beomseo Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-29 16:23:21

Most schools have science projects which make students think about science. In the fourth industrial revolution, people will need creativity and thinking abilities, so science will be more important than now. This project is held to think in a convergent way about science and build knowledge about it.

▲ The fourth industrial revolution need the creativity.

▲ The students are making the work which related to the topic.

There is an event named "Convergence Science." This event is about making an invention of certain science topics. It makes students think in a convergent way. For example, teachers give a topic like making a camping car where four people can live comfortably. When they get the topic, they bring the materials in front of the science room. Next, they make the blueprint the topic. Then, they make the invention which they designed, and finally, they exhibit their invention at the back of the science room. The first-year student who participated in the back of the science room. The first-year student who in this event said that he was able to think in a convergent way and become close with his partner during the event.

▲ The students are discussing in the ˝Science Discussion.˝

The next event "Science Discussion." As the word itself, students discuss a topic related to science with their teams. Then, they can choose their team freely. they investigate science facts about the topic, and they make their opinion about it. Lastly, they discuss the facts that they have gathered with the other teams on the competition day. According to the interview with the third grad student who participated in the science discussion, she said that she had a lot of concerns about science, so she was very thankful for the science event because she can now think deeply about the topic. Also, she made a lot of friends during the investigation process of the competition.

The results of these science projects in Beomseo Middle School can make the students grow their amalgamation thinking abilities, can use different things to investigate science, and can also expand their scientific knowledge. Presently, in South Korea, many students do projects like these sometimes because they have to increase these science projects for the forthcoming of the fourth industrial revolution.

By Taeho Kim


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