Is November 11th Pepero Day? Or Farmer‘s Day?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-11-29 16:36:35

November 11th is famously known as Pepero Day. So many people give Pepero to their loved ones. Some people buy, However, Pepero at the market but others make their own. This day makes many people happy. But November 11th is Farmer’s Day, too!

Pepero Day was started by female students in high school in 1994. In 1994, the high school girls gave each other Pepero presents, which resembles the 11th of November, in the spirit of sharing love and friendship. This trend, which began with consumers, has become a national event that everyone can enjoy casually. Unique and fresh advertisements by the Pepero confectionery company have been added, and people still celebrate this day.

But what is the day of the farmer, the original anniversary of our country? Farmer’s Day is a day to promote the pride of farmers and remind us of the importance of agriculture. It means that farmers come from the soil, live off the soil, and then return to the soil. And if “11” is written in Chinese, it will be +-, because if you add the two together, it will become a ‘흙 토’. If you write these Chinese characters in Arabic numerals, it will be on the 11th of November.

Korea has been involved in farming since the Goguryeo period. So, this day was made. Additionally, it has been designated as a legal anniversary.

However, this day is also called Bar Rice Cake Day because of bar rice cake’s form. When you put 4 rice cakes side by side, it looks like November 11. Plus, the purpose of this day is to let us know the importance of rice because we are so accustomed to it that we forget its preciousness. Also through this day, we can look back on what happiness we have.

November 11 has been known as just a day for the benefit of a company. So to celebrate this seemingly meaningless day, let’s celebrate Farmers Day and Bar Rice Cake Day. If there is someone around you who forgets their preciousness, how about giving a cake with gratitude on this day?


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