Cheerleading of Haksung Girls‘ Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 12:00:18

▲ Students preparing before the contest

In many schools, there are a lot of school projects. They do projects such as in sports, studying, and more. In Haksung Girls' Middle School, there was a special project, called Cheerleading With Friends. The team manager said that they planned this project to enhance the school students' physical strength.

The project had some steps. First, the team coach recruited students who wanted to learn about cheerleading. There was no limit to apply. Then, they practiced for two days a week for four months. In the last month, they worked out for four days in a week. The students exercised only once for two hours. 

Next, they competed in the preliminaries. They got the fifth place out of fifteen teams. After the preliminaries, they competed into the finals. Finally, the team won the first prize.

▲ Students taking pictures with awards

After the competition, they had interviews. The student leader of the team, Shin Hye Bin, said that cheerleading has lots of advantages. It increases students' strength, raises teamwork, and makes a friendly atmosphere. Among the distinguished competitors, she cannot believe that they won the first prize. The coach of the team, Kim Garyeong, said that they were shy, but they would participate in a competition next year, too. She said that they would be aiming to win, too.

After the school project, Cheerleading With Friends team became the Ulsan national cheerleading team. The team took the internet by storm. The leader of the team, Shin Hye Bin, told the reporter that their team became a big issue not only in her school but also on the Internet.


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