The Free Semester Program in Middle School: Good or Bad?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 12:38:23

Do you like it if there is no examination in school? These days, most schools implement the free semester program. Free semester means students do not have an examination and competition for a semester. The purpose of this program is to find students' own potential and future dreams.
During the free semester, students are able to do a lot of things, such as basketball, dodge ball, crafting, coding, coffee brewing, singing, and many things. Moreover, they are able to do job shadowing. Because of these, they do not have an examination like the final examination. Thus, they can be free from competition. Furthermore, some people think this free semester can decrease private education expenses and students' academic stress. Because of this, most students like this project. So all schools will implement a free semester starting next year.

▲ The Free Semester Program in Middle School

On the other hand, some students do not like the free semester program. One student said that as students do this project, they are not able to do study well in school, so this can influence them in second grade. Thus, there is an ability gap during the free semester. Actually, some students do not concentrate in class because of the free semester. Also, there is research about the free semester. After it, private education expenses was increased to 15.2 percent. Why did this phenomenon happen? This is because of parents' anxiety. Parents worry because their children do not have an examination, and they study less than before. Like this, there are some disadvantages to the free semester program. 

▲ Is the free semester a solution to academic stress?

Today, a lot of first-grade students in middle school have this free semester for them to find their future job and own potential. However, because of this, private education expenses are increasing. There are some advantages and disadvantages of this program. Also, people are still debating about this free semester program.

By Yu-Chan Kim


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