The Disaster Movies대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-03 12:50:44

Recently, there are many movies all over the world. However, disaster movies are popular for many people nowadays. They capture people's attention and interest vividly expressing what can actually happen in times of disasters such as earthquake and tsunami.

First, the movie, "EXIT" is a new disaster action comedy film depicting an emergency situation in which a young man, Youngnam met his mother who was celebrating her birthday. He coincided with Eui-joo, a junior college student. It is about a poisonous gas. Also, it has a running time of 103 minutes, and 12 years old children and above can watch it. It was acted by a famous actor, jojengseok and a girl group member, Im Yoon-ah. Its audience was three million in just six days. According to a movie spectator, Kim Min-seo, the movie is about the love of family.

▲ This is the poster of ˝EXIT˝(

Second, "The Tunnel" is a movie about a man trapped in a broken tunnel. It is about disaster and survival. It has a running time of 126 minutes, and 12 years old children and above can watch it. It was acted by the two famous actors, Ha Jung-woo and Bae Doona. According to a film review, it is a film that awakens the positive ethics of life in extreme conditions.

▲ This is the poster of ˝The Tunnel˝.

In the world that many people feel tired, movies improve their quality of life. Moreover, disaster movies tell us how we should respond when an unexpected situation comes.


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