Some Ways to Enjoy Christmas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 12:12:32

December means that this year 2019 is ending, and Christmas is coming. Many people find something to enjoy December and the year 2019 before they are gone. There are many ways to enjoy December. Especially, visiting some festivals is one of the best ways. At the end of the month this year, many famous and exciting festivals are held all over South Korea.

Little Prince Starlight Festival of Petite France is the first festival to introduce. It is held at the Petite France Park in Gapyeong until February 29th. Unusual starlight exhibitions carried from Venice, Italy makes the atmosphere better, and many events make visitors happy. One of the most popular exhibitions is the Little Prince Tunnel, which is 80 meters long next to the asteroid B 612 structure. There is also a hand puppet play "Little Red Riding Hood", a marionette performance, "Pinocchio", and some art experiences that children like. Moreover, Montpellier light street and Amor Blue art are the essential courses for couples. The tickets cost 10,000 for adults and 8,000 for teenagers.

▲ Little Prince Starlight Festival of Petite France

Second, festivals in some amusement parks are recommended by a lot of people. In Lotte World, Seoul, the annual Make a Miracle Winter Festival captures visitors. For Christmas, the entire Lotte World changes into a theme "Miracle Village", and Santa's Village and Happy Christmas Parade are prepared with the theme. Moreover, on the first floor, the characters Lotty and Santa Claus prepare some funny events in Lotty's Miracle Cabin. The festival is held until December 31st.

▲ Happy Christmas Parade in Lotte World

▲ Ten million roses with light decorations in E-World

E-World in Daegu is another amusement park that is recommended. Starlight Festival at E-World features ten million roses with light decorations around E-World and 83 Tower. At night, large trees at the front and light road called Angel Road make the mood more romantic. Especially, Angel Road is 250 meters long, which is the longest light road in South Korea. The festival is held until March 1st.

In preparing Christmas and ending the year 2019, many great festivals are held and waiting for visitors. In December, visiting one of them will be a nice way of enjoying.

Dec. 21st, 2019

By Park Ye Il


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